Wyre Council Tax Support Scheme

Wyre Council



Council Tax Support is a means-tested discount you can apply for if you are liable to pay council tax and on a low income. 

The maximum discount you can get if you are under 65 years of age is 91.5% of the total council tax payable. If you are over 65 years of age you can receive a discount of up to 100% of the council tax payable. The actual amount of discount you receive will depend on your income and savings, your personal circumstances and the circumstances of any other people who live with you who are aged 18 or over. Any discount awarded will be credited to your council tax account to reduce the amount you owe. If this puts your account in credit due to payments you have already made, we will refund the credit to you.


Available In
  • Wyre
Available to Age Groups
  • No Restriction
What we can help with
  • Information on government/council support schemes
Available to these Groups
  • All Groups

Additional Information


Regulations prescribe a scheme for claimants of state pension credit age.

The eligibility for CTS is determined by reference to the income and capital of the claimant and any partner; and by the income, capital, and number of non-dependants in the household. The scheme will be administered taking account of the Wyre Council Tax Reduction Scheme Policy section 13a and schedule 1a of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. These regulations set out how CTS is calculated and how it is paid.

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