Support for Refugees

Salford Refugee Link



The lack of support for the ethnic minorities Communities including Refugees and Asylum Seekers newly arrived in Salford causes a major concern in the Borough nowadays. After several (group discussions) and (informal meetings) people from the said communities felt the necessity to set up an organisation that will enhance their need and aspirations.


Available In
  • Salford
Available to Age Groups
  • No Restriction
What we can help with
  • Help & training to improve my work opportunities
  • Information on government/council support schemes
  • Someone to talk to
Available to these Groups
  • Asylum Seekers

Additional Information

Our aim and objectives are to:

  • Improve the quality of life of refugees in Salford.
  • Relieving poverty, sickness and distress amongst Blacks and ethnic minorities including Refugees and asylum seekers residing in the Borough of Salford.
  • Give welcome to refugees and asylum seekers who sought refuge in the UK
  • Assist ethnic minorities in the process of their integration in the community in Salford
  • Advise refugees and Asylum seekers about British structures and system
  • Provide advice on accessing legal services, Health, Education and training for appropriate employment
  • Assist Refugees and Asylum seekers completing Application form and translation of official documents
  • Provide advice that will assist in promoting racial harmony 

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