The Hope Centre charity grew out of a church initiative to support people challenged by unemployment, skills shortages and social deprivation and over the years we have provided courses, advice and guidance to hundreds of people in the borough.
- Available In
- St Helens
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Help & training to improve my work opportunities
- Help and advice about money and debt issues
- Help to get household items and clothing
- Help with accommodation or my tenancy
- Help with food and other essentials
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
The Hope Centre operates across two locations - our main base at Atherton Street and our Homelessness Day Centre at 41-43 Corporation Street, providing an award-winning service to the most vulnerable individuals in our community.
The Hope Centre serves as the central hub for various projects, including Baby Basics, Foodbank, Make Lunch, Breathe, and IT Courses. Despite the diversity of these projects, they all share a common thread - the core mission of bringing hope to the lives of those we serve, driving our daily efforts.
Our mission is to bring life and hope to our community through various social action projects and courses.
We aspire to transform the landscape and culture of St Helens by instilling genuine hope in people's lives.
To be a guiding voice, a source of light, and a safe haven for those who need us, precisely when they need us the most.