We aim to offer users a warm and safe environment in which they can access services
The project is now open serving free hot meals 9am -3pm Monday to Friday with indoor and outdoor seating available. Support staff are available Monday to Friday 9am-3pm. We can help with advice and referrals in to Housing, support with food, finances, health, accommodation and benefits or we can get you in touch with lots of other services that can help you.
- Available In
- Salford
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Help & training to improve my work opportunities
- Help and advice about money and debt issues
- Help to get household items and clothing
- Help with food and other essentials
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
Our Skills for Life Centre is open daily, Mondays sees our Drop in Arts and Craft Groups, Tuesdays hosts a Housing advice and support drop in run by Salford Council, Wednesdays is our Employability day actively supporting people in to employment and training, ESOL (English for speakers of other languages course takes place on Thursday mornings. On Thursday afternoons we run a basic to advanced IT and computer course.
We aim to offer users a warm and safe environment in which they can access the following services:
- Hot food and drinks
- We supply clothing and toiletries from the donations we receive
- Dental Surgery
- GP surgery and Practice Nurse
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Community Alcohol Team, Drugs Clinic & Needle Exchange
- Support and Advice
- Smoking reduction/support
In addition to these facilities we also offer the following activities for our clients:
- Pool
- Bingo
- Gardening
- Arts and Crafts
- Games and Quiz'
- Regular trips and outings