Priority Services

EDF Energy



Priority Services – extra support for those in need

What's the Priority Services Register?

The Priority Services Register is free to join. It provides additional support for those in need. Priority Services offer much more than financial help

Register your interest below for Priority Services, including literature in accessible formats, our 'Safe at Home' password scheme, independent money advice and income maximisation.


Available to Age Groups
  • No Restriction
What we can help with
  • Bank & utility company support schemes
Available to these Groups
  • All Groups

Additional Information

There are many benefits to being registered on the PSR some of which are:

  • Keeping you safe; staff wear photograph identification badges and you can also agree a password, so we can look after your personal safety and home security.
  • Nominating someone to deal with your bills or help in a power cut, on your behalf.
  • Having accessible services offering you information in other formats like large print, audio CD, braille or in your chosen language.
  • Advance notice of planned power cuts so you can prepare or let them know in advance that you may need help on the day.
  • Provision of alternative heating and cooking services in the event of a gas outage.
  • Priority support in the event of a power cut. Network operators aim to provide welfare in the form of meals, drinks, warmth and charging points as well as receiving priority updates.
  • In the event of a major power/gas outage both electricity and gas networks work closely with third party agencies to help provide extra support including your Local Authority, emergency services and British Red Cross to name a few.

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