Oldham Single Person Council Tax Discount

Oldham Council



The single person discount is 25% off your total council tax bill. You can claim single person discount if:

•you are the only adult aged 18 years or over resident in the property, or

•there are other adults living in the property that are not counted for council tax purposes (For example students)

If someone else in your household is working away from home or taking extended holidays, you are unlikely to qualify for a single person discount.


Available In
  • Oldham
Available to Age Groups
  • No Restriction
What we can help with
  • Information on government/council support schemes
Available to these Groups
  • All Groups

Additional Information

The following groups of adults may be disregarded, when counting the number of adults living in a property:

  • Patient whose main residence is in hospital
  • Person in residential care home, nursing home or hostel
  • Youth Training trainee or apprentice
  • School leavers
  • Young person aged 18 or 19 still in full-time education
  • Students and Student Nurse
  • Aged 18 or 19 for whom Child Benefit is payable
  • Person in detention/prison
  • Severely mentally impaired
  • Carers

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