Housing Benefit can help you pay your rent if you are on a low income. It can be claimed if you pay rent to a private landlord or housing association, have savings of less than £16,000 and are on a low income.
However, not everyone can claim housing benefit. To include your housing costs you may need to claim Universal Credit.
Only the tenant, the tenant's partner or official appointee can claim Housing Benefit. A landlord cannot claim for them
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- South Lakeland
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- No Restriction
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- Information on government/council support schemes
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Additional Information
The amount of Housing Benefit you receive depends on four things:
1.the amount of your savings
2.how much money you have coming in (your income)
3.your personal circumstances, including: ◦your age
◦whether you have a partner
◦how many children you have
◦whether you are disabled
◦whether you have other people living with you who do not depend on you for support
4.the amount of your rent
We will then compare the money you have coming in each week with the amount of money the Government says you need to live on each week. This is called the applicable amount and varies according to individual needs