We understand that sometimes people struggle financially. Bills pile up and it’s difficult to make ends meet. It feels scary and you’re tempted to ignore the situation, hoping things will improve. Talk to us if you are facing problems with your money.
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Bank & utility company support schemes
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If you can identify with any of these warning signs don’t delay – it’s time to ask for help:
- You're worried about money and paying back what you owe - your debts feel like a huge burden
- You're dealing with difficult circumstances which are making it harder for you to manage your money
- You're regularly spending more than you earn
- You're struggling to pay your mortgage, rent, your fuel bills, or minimum payments on your credit cards
- You can't manage your day to day spending without relying on your credit card
- Several of your cards are at the maximum credit limit
- You're being contacted about unpaid bills and missed payments