Food Bank - Befrienders




We run one foodbank, Befrienders in central Manchester, and are involved in several others, as well as supporting the city council’s homelessness initiatives. Many of our churches run playgroups or nurseries, or carer and toddler groups and Moston Methodist Church host our successful Baby Basket project which provides baby essentials to those in need.

We host uniformed organisations and clubs for older children. We run Nexus, a café in the city centre’s Northern Quarter. We support chaplaincy in our local universities, hospitals and prisons. We care for the senior generation too, with craft and chat groups and dementia support.

We provide space for community groups to meet, hosting everything from slimmers’ groups to Alcoholics Anonymous and IT support groups. We support Methodist charities such as Action for Children and MHA, and we partner with groups such as Christian Aid and the Street Pastors.


Available In
  • Manchester
Available to Age Groups
  • No Restriction
What we can help with
  • Help with food and other essentials
Available to these Groups
  • All Groups

Additional Information

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