Cumbria Family Support is a registered charity no. 1085861 whose objects are “To relieve families in Cumbria with children up to eighteen years old, who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress.”
- Available In
- Allerdale
- Barrow-in-Furness
- Carlisle
- Copeland
- Eden
- South Lakeland
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Someone to talk to
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
Today our family support services can be accessed by families across three districts in Cumbria: Eden, Carlisle and Allerdale.
Our work is all home based, we take our support out into the community to ensure those living in deprived and isolated areas, where service provision is limited and families are struggling with issues that are impacting on family life, receive the help they need.
We work at an early intervention stage with families as issues and needs are just emerging, and help them to make and sustain positive changes. Families also seek our support as family life is improving, helping them to keep on track. Our support is not time limited and we will help families for as long as they need us to, to stop problems re-occurring.
Our staff are trained to deal with a wide range of family issues, from child behavioural problems, to mental health issues in children and adults and more serious and complex difficulties involving addiction, abuse or neglect.
All families have a plan of support which is formed from the initial assessment using the “Family – Outcomes Star” identifying the needs for support and the outcomes the family wish to achieve.