Exceptional Hardship Payments (EHP) scheme

Burnley Council



The Council has made provision to assist residents who are facing exceptional financial hardship. This is through our Exceptional Hardship Payments (EHP) scheme. Payments are usually granted for a period of 26 weeks to those people who are in receipt of Council Tax Support and who are experiencing financial difficulty in paying their Council Tax. Each application is treated on its own merits. If you feel like you require further help and wish to apply for further assistance please download an EHP form online


Available In
  • Burnley
Available to Age Groups
  • No Restriction
What we can help with
  • Some money for an emergency
  • Information on government/council support schemes

Additional Information

Payments are usually granted for a period of 26 weeks to those people who are in receipt of Council Tax Support and who are experiencing financial difficulty in paying their Council Tax. Each application is treated on its own merits.

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