A Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) is an extra award of money we can give to you if your housing benefit does not cover the full amount of your rent. DHP is not a benefit payment and the amount and duration of the payment is limited.
You can only ask for a DHP if you are already receiving housing benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit.
- Available In
- Warrington
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Information on government/council support schemes
- Some money for an emergency
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
To help us decide whether you need this extra help we will look at:
- your income
- your savings
- if anyone else in your household can help
- if you have any loans or debts
- if you could manage your money better to ease the situation
- if anyone is ill or disabled in your family
- if you have tried to put the situation right yourself
We will ask you for a lot of information about your situation in order for us to be satisfied that you need this extra help.
DHPs will not be paid if:
- you have service charges not covered by housing benefit
- you have rent arrears
- your housing and/or council tax has been suspended
- you are having an amount deducted from your benefit to recover an overpayment