The Council Tax Support scheme helps people towards the cost of their Council Tax bill.
- Available In
- Hyndburn
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Information on government/council support schemes
Additional Information
Council Tax Support is similar to the old Council Tax Benefit scheme, however the main differences for working age customer’s are detailed below:
Working Age Customers
All working age claimants have to make a contribution of at least 30% towards their Council Tax. Therefore the maximum Council Tax support a working age claimant can receive is 70% of their Council Tax bill.
Applications for Council Tax Support will be paid from the date each application is stamped as having been received by the Council. In exceptional circumstances, if the claimant can demonstrate continuous good cause for not claiming sooner, we will backdate the Council Tax Support claim for up to one month.
If other adults such as grown-up family members who are not your partner, joint tenant or lodger (called a non-dependent) live in your home, we will normally make a deduction of £10 for each non-dependent in the household.
All capital and savings up to £16k are included in the calculation of Council Tax Support. This will apply to savings accounts and other forms of capital such as bonds and shares and not to ‘current accounts’ used for the payment of wages and other benefits and for every day expenses.
This means that for every £250 capital, £1 per week will be added to the income used to calculate Council Tax Support which will reduce the final amount of Council Tax Support awarded.
Verification of self-employed status and proof of income will be required by Hyndburn Borough Council upon receipt of self-employed applications for Council Tax Support.
If the self-employed claimant does not provide a complete record of income and expenditure in respect of their business, we will use the minimum wage as their income figure and use this to assess entitlement to Council Tax Support. The minimum wage may also be applied where income is produced, which suggests they are earning less than the minimum wage but which cannot be verified through proper accounts.
Claim Council Tax Support using our eClaim form