If you're on a low income you may be able to get help towards your council tax. You can apply if you are working, or unemployed. You’ll still need to pay 17.5% of your bill unless you are of pension credit age.
You can apply for council tax support if you:
- live at the property
- pay council tax
- have a low income, or are entitled to a benefit paid by the Department for Work and Pensions or the Pension Service
- have capital of less than £3000, if you are working age; or £16,000 if you are of pension credit age
- Available In
- Bolton
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Information on government/council support schemes
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
Please ensure that you have the following details available before you start to complete your application form:
- Details of all your household members and income
- If you are employed, you will need the full details of your income received along with your employer's name, address and post code
- If there is additional information you want to tell us about, you can include this in the "other information" option near the end of the application form.