This locally administered scheme allows Sefton Council the discretion to provide assistance to Council Tax payers where either the existing legislation does not provide a Council Tax discount, exemption or reduction or where the level of Council Tax discount, exemption or reduction is insufficient when individual circumstances have been assessed.
- Available In
- Sefton
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Information on government/council support schemes
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
Scheme fund is limited.
Eligibility categories
- Exceptional Financial Hardship - for those who have also qualified for financial support under Sefton’s Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme and who but who are still experiencing severe financial hardship.
- Crisis – Flood, Fire etc. - the Council will consider requests for assistance from Council Taxpayers who, through no fault of their own, have experienced a crisis or event that has made their property uninhabitable.
- Care Leaver - the Council will provide up to 100% discount of the Council Tax to care leavers aged 18 or over and up to the date of their 25th birthday, who live in Sefton and who are looked after by the local authority (Metropolitan Borough of Sefton).
- Other Circumstances - the Council will consider requests from Council Tax payers for a reduction in their liability based on other circumstances, not specifically mentioned within this document. However the Council must be of the opinion that the circumstances relating to the application warrant further reduction in their liability for Council Tax having regard to the effect on other Council Tax payers.
Full details of policy can be found at https://www.sefton.gov.uk/media/1475421/council-tax-discretionary-reduction-in-liability-policy-and-procedures-apr2018-.pdf