The British Gas Energy Trust, which incorporates the Scottish Gas Energy Trust, is an independent Charitable Trust established in 2004. The Trust aims to contribute to the relief of poverty, with a particular focus on fuel poverty, helping those who are struggling to pay for their use of gas and electricity to get back on their feet and remain debt free going forward.
The Trust provides a significant difference to the lives of those in need by awarding grants to clear energy debts. The Trust also funds voluntary organisations to provide money and fuel debt advice services.
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Bank & utility company support schemes
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
Applicants must live within England, Scotland or Wales.
Due to severe pressure on the Trust's budgets, awards will only be made to the highest priority cases e.g. applicants in extreme hardship and with exceptional/multiple vulnerabilities.
We strongly recommend you seek money / debt advice before applying to the Trust to increase your chance of a successful application.
The Trust prioritises help to applicants who are clearly struggling to pay their domestic gas and electricity bills.
Only the account holder can apply for a grant to clear gas and / or electricity debt. If the account holder is unable to complete the application form, an explanation must be given why someone else is completing the form on their behalf.
Applicants must:
- live in England, Scotland or Wales
- not received a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust within the last 2 years
- must be seeking a grant to clear an outstanding debt on a current or open gas, electricity or dual fuel energy account in your name or be a member of that household. The energy account must relate to your main residence
- have electric and / or gas debt
- not have savings above £1,000
- received help from a money advice agency
You don’t have to be a British Gas customer to apply. but please note the majority of the grant budget is set aside for British Gas customers.
Some energy providers have their own customer trust fund, so check with your own supplier to see if they can support you first.